A Simple Diary App Just Like A Physical Diary
Self Improvement
BSafes Support
Last Update 3 dagen geleden
Download the BSafes iPhone (or iPad) or Android app, or use the BSafes web app. After you own your BSafes, add a Diary and title it.
Tap the blue pen button on the lower right to start writing for Today! You can add photos and videos and format your text. Again, Tap the green button on the lower right when done.
Tap the Calendar icon to select a different date. Or use the Left or Right arrow button on the sides of a page to go to the previous or next day.
With this app, you can freely express yourself with photos and videos because you have complete control of your content data. No one else, even the app developer, can not see. You can also access your diary on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone.