You can organize pages in a Folder.
BSafes Support
Last Update vor einem Jahr
Create a Folder
You can create a Folder in a top-level space or a box. Click the blue + add button, and select Folder.
Give the Folder a title, and click the CREATE button.
You will see a new Folder with the title.
Once you've created a Folder, you should open it. Click Open on the right edge of the Folder to access the Contents page.
Contents page
The Contents page lists all pages in the Folder. You can add, organize, and search for particular pages from this page.
Add pages
Click the blue + Add button on the Contents page to add a page.
Please select Page and give it a title.
You will see the new page.
From the toolbar, you can
- Go to the Cover page;
- Go to the Contents page;
- Go to the first page;
- Go to the last page;
- Add another page next to the current page.
- Move or trash the current page.
- Search. (On the Contents page).
On the Contents page, select the search icon on the right of the top toolbar.
Enter the keywords, and click the Search button on the right of the search bar.
You will see pages with a title or tags that match the keywords.
Move pages
On the Contents page, select the items by clicking the checkbox on the right of each item.
You can drop the selected items next to another page by clicking the up-down arrow icon to the right of the target page.
Alternatively, you can move the pages to another location by selecting the Move button on the bottom bar.
Go to the target location and click the DROP button.
You can find the pages moved to a new location.
Trash pages
On the Contents page, select the pages by clicking the checkbox on the right of each item.
Select the Trash button on the bottom bar.
Type Yes if you want to trash, and click the TRASH button.
If you want to restore the trashed pages, go to the Trash page from the top-level space, select the pages, and then Restore.
Cover page
You can rename the title and add tags on the Cover page.
Tag a Folder
Tags enable you to efficiently search for and locate related items. To add a tag, select `Add a tag` at the top of the Cover page, type in the tag name, and press the Return button on the keyboard.
After entering all tags, click the green ✔️ Check button to save them. Your device will encrypt the tags and upload them to the Secure server.
Rename a Folder
Click the Pen button on the upper-right of the title area.
Type in the new title, and click the Green ✔️ Check button.