
A Space is the top level for items.

BSafes Support

Last Update 10 个月前

A Space is the top level for items. You can add, organize, and search for items within a space. You can also view activities that happened in the Space.

When you own a BSafes, you also have a Personal Space by default. You can create other Spaces for different purposes. Different Spaces give you complete isolation from each other. It is not possible to search for items across various Spaces.

Personal Space

Personal Space is the first Space for sensitive content. When you open your BSafes, the app directs you to the Personal Space.

Add items

You can create any item in a top-level Space. Click the blue + add button, and select a type.

Give the item a title, and click the CREATE button.

You will see a new item with the title.


On the top-level Space, you can search for items and items within items.

Enter the keywords in the top search field, and click the Search button on the right.

You will see items with a title or tags that match the keywords. 

Move items

Select the items by clicking the checkbox on the right of each item.

You can drop the selected items next to another item by clicking the up-down arrow icon to the right of the target item or inside another item if the latter allows. A Box can contain any items, whereas a Folder only includes pages.

Alternatively, you can move the items to another location by selecting the Move button on the bottom bar.

Go to the target location and click the DROP button.

You can find the items moved to a new location.

Trash items

Select the items by clicking the checkbox on the right of each item.

Select the Trash button on the bottom bar.

Type Yes if you want to trash, and click the TRASH button.

If you want to restore the trashed items, go to the Trash page from the top-level Space, select the items, and then Restore.

Create a Space

You can create multiple Spaces for various purposes, providing complete isolation between them. It's not possible to search for items across different Spaces.

To create a Space, ensure you are on the Spaces page by selecting Spaces in the upper left.

Click the blue + Add button.

Please give it a title and click the CREATE button.

You will see the Space listed at the top.

You can also add a Space next to a specific Space. Click the + icon to the right of the target Space and then select a position.

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