
Every space has a Trash box at the bottom right of the top-level space page.

BSafes Support

Last Update vor einem Jahr

Every space has a Trash box at the bottom right of the top-level space page. You can trash items in it and restore items or empty the Trash box.

See how you can trash items from a Space, Box, or Folder. Click the Trash box icon to see a list of trashed items.


To restore all items, select `Restore All` at the top of the list. This straightforward process ensures you can quickly retrieve all your trash items.

Alternatively, you can restore selected items. To choose an item, select the checkbox to the right of the item, and then click `Restore` at the top of the list.


To empty the whole Trash box, select `Empty` at the top of the list.

You can also select items to empty. To do so, select an item by clicking the checkbox to the right of it and then clicking 'Empty' at the top of the list.

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